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Trademark Jewelers is proud to present the following Collectibles. Remember to check back periodically to check any new additions.

Because of the size of the collection, introduction will be slow and not all will be available for re-sale, some graphics are posted for collector's review and comment only. We cannot show a sample of every color available in each design; we will, however, attempt to display as much variety as space affords.

Remember, each item shown is struck from an original die often the date of the circulation is struck into and is part of the design indicating when the piece was in circulation. If you have a particular area of interest- - contact us by e-mail and we will attempt to post graphics per your request.

It is a wonderful collection that we will enjoying sharing with our customer.

Thank you.

18 Collectibles

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14 Karat Gold Moorish Idol or Kihikihi Enameled Fish Collector Pin - Trademark Jewelers FP-3 14 Karat Gold Moorish Idol or Kihikihi Enameled Fish Collector Pin
14 Karat Gold First Hawaii National Guard Collector Pin - Trademark Jewelers P-31 14 Karat Gold First Hawaii National Guard Collector Pin
14 Karat Gold Honolulu Pistol Club, Cap Shield Collector Medallion - Trademark Jewelers HG-19 14 Karat Gold Honolulu Pistol Club, Cap Shield Collector Medallion
14 Karat Gold Field Day 1913, Schofield Barracks Collector Medallion - Trademark Jewelers SM-13 14 Karat Gold Field Day 1913, Schofield Barracks Collector Medallion
14 Karat Gold Miniature Police Badge Collector Pin- Trademark Jewelers SPD-1 14 Karat Gold Miniature Police Badge Collector Pin
14 Karat Gold Coat of Arms Surf Board Water Polo Collector Medallion - Trademark Jewelers SD-17 14 Karat Gold Coat of Arms Surf Board Water Polo Collector Medallion
14 Karat Gold Territorial Fair Collector Medallion - Trademark Jewelers P-43 14 Karat Gold Territorial Fair Collector Medallion
14 Karat Gold Track and Field Schofield Barracks Collector Medallion - Trademark Jewelers SD-42 14 Karat Gold Track and Field Schofield Barracks Collector Medallion
14 Karat Gold Seal A.A.U. Hawaiian Association Swim Meet Medallion - Trademark Jewelers SA-68 14 Karat Gold Seal A.A.U. Hawaiian Association Swim Meet Medallion
27th Infantry Track and Field - Trademark Jewelers   27th Infantry Track and Field 1930 Medallion Oxidized Bronze
8th Field Artillery - Trademark Jewelers   8th Artillary Field Artillery Boxing
19th Infantry Field and Track Medallion - Trademark Jewelers   19th Infantry Field and Track Year Unknown
Luke Field Track and Field - Trademark Jewelers   Luke Field Medallion Track and Field
Bowling League Medallion - Trademark Jewelers SC 38 Bowling League Medallion Year 1938
Hawaii AAU Medallion '25 - Trademark Jewelers AAU Hawaii AAU 1925 Medallion
11th FA Field Artillary Boxing Medallion - Trademark Jewelers 11thFA 11th FA Field Artillary Boxing Medallion
Dairymen's League Champs Medaliion - Trademark Jewelers SG-14 Police AA Dairymen's League Champs Medallion
Kauai County Fair Track and Field Medallion - Trademark Jewelers   Kauai County Fair Track and Field Medallion
14 Karat Gold Flying Fish or Malolo Enameled Collector Pin - Trademark Jewelers FP-2 14 Karat Gold Flying Fish or Malolo Enameled Collector Pin
14 Karat Gold with Seal; Hilo Regatta July 4th 1932 Collector Medallion - Trademark Jewelers SD-28 14 Karat Gold with Seal; Hilo Regatta July 4th 1932 Collector Medallion
14 Karat Gold Alchilles Tang or Paku'iku'I Enameled Collector Pin - Tradmeark Jewelers FP-1 14 Karat Gold Alchilles Tang or Paku'iku'I Enameled Collector Pin
© 2004 Trademark Jewelers. © HWT 1997. All designs, in finished product, artwork and digital image are the property of Harlan W. Talkington / Trademark Jewelers. No reproduction or distribution can take place without expressed written consent.

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